Thursday, December 11, 2008
a sneek peek into the holiday tidings of a million hands records.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
*.mov 125mb
200+ unpacked

Monday, December 1, 2008
Cave Paintings Covers the Liars
Loose Nuts on the Velodrome(Liars Cover)

Aqua Lens
So to postpone my school work even further I feel it necessary to post a song.
This one is from a jam me and Erik did on Friday. I took one bit of it and compiled a sum what EQ'd version.
Check it out: Aqua Lens/Light
Monday, November 24, 2008
Our Rapping Friend SaviourSoul
With a Million Hands at large, at least one is bound to wind up in the pockets of other genre's than the one's practiced by our main line-up, case in point, our friend/show-stopping foray into underground hip-hop SaviourSoul the Mad Man, otherwise known as Evan Hayward. If you dig hiphop or just like to dabble once in a while, check him out, you won't regret it.
SaviourSoul the Mad Man

New album coming soon.
'We Grow Wings' EP available now, just send him a message.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
With the Lights On sum more

Song: With the Lights On (Take 2!)
p.s. my sources tell me MPP is going to leak at midnight if it does i'm all over that shit.
*update* faaaaaaaaaalse alarm
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sound Design 3
The assignment was to compose a piece entirely from samples of vegetables that we had recorded a few classes before. Since I just went to the Museum of Modern Art and listened to a piece by Steve Reich called Come Out, I figured I would try to make something similar. Thus this is aimed to capture a sense of paranoia, and it certainly drove me insane making it last night.
Features a sample of my professor commenting on smashing various foods.
Rotten Vegetables:

Also, great works are to come soon.
Hopefully see you all around Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Song: With the Lights On
like always
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
The first is a loop I made a few weeks back.. its only 12sec long yet I recorded a good minute
This is a loop of a song I've been writing.. total rough draft... as always... yet last night I figured I would do my best to pump out a recording just for critique.
Let me know what you guys think.... feel free to use.. and have a sweet night.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sound Design 2
This is a more classically based piece which is dynamic in the sense that it has multiple movements.. I was up till 5am working on this bad boy.
Essentially what you hear here is multiple midi tracks divided inverted and reversed and manipulated in a way to produce killer wine sipping fancy fancy music.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
new Cave Paintings minmal psych

ever been stoned and craving a certain type of song but cant think of the right artist to play? well today that happened to me i was craving some minimal psychedelic rock and i didnt know who to turn to so I just decided to make what I wanted. This is what came out...
It's called Labrador
photo cred. rolf hicker...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I have a proposal/gimmick. I say we release web compilations on the blog. They wouldn't have to have any sort of rigid regularity, more just like a Million Hands Halloween Compilation or Winter or Christmas or etc any sort of theme will do. We could elect a theme and then set a deadline (preferably a few weeks I suppose) and then I could compile them and someone could make cover art and we could post the album for download here. All Million Hands artists are invited to participate as well as collect songs from friends that would fit. New songs would be preferable, but anything that isn't already up on the blog would be fine. Let me know watch'yall think.
And a Happy Halloween full of haunting to all.
Good Find
Track Name: Summer Gem
P.S. Please keep on the lookout for MPP to leak and I'll do the same for sure!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cave Paintings w/ Vocals demo up!
Has a weird my bloody valentine/garageness to it rather than folky but it just came out and I didnt stop it.
Oh and lyrics again
Rabbit Islands (Part I)
Loose fur,
I headed to check the traps.
It was a, crude drawing.
Marveled at the miles of slack.
Playing the Duke and the Dauphin.
Straw hands,
in the grasp of your patience it's,
Happening once,
Happens all the time.
Split hairs,
but nothing snared in the traps.
It was a, cracked yawn.
When you showed your teeth at last.
I know it, wasn't what I'd promised.
I wasn't one to want, at last the problem it's,
Happening once,
or it happens all the time.
I said it's, either happening once,
or it's gonna happen all the time.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
So, final resting place for Heliotropes/Rothko's Chapel Party/Khaki Hollow is................
Chalky Studabaker? no
Opposable Drums? nope
Dripped Plumes? YES
Dripped Plumes, where vocals will now be a regular part of the presentation. 2 1/2 songs done, shooting for 4 to make an EP (currently untitled).
Going into the studio Saturday morning.
Myspace page is the same.
(You can still call me Rothko)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Half Cloud
Every once and a while I go over to these kids' house on Kelsey St and jam out with them.. here is a song me and B did. B is playing drums.. this is a super rough demo and all, but please critique... hopefully me and the kelsey guys will work on developing this tune a bit more... lyrics, vocal jams, guitar, bass and more drums.. etc... anyways check it out!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Chris Ssorg - Little Dweamers
Yo guys new song called Little Dweamers and make a wish cause it's 11:11 in length! I really wanted this song to have clearer vocals due to the lessening fear of hearing myself on microphone. Lyrics!
Lilac trees and willow keys
Never ever ever weened
always drinking from the teet
of blue, purples, and greens
Shiny skies and magic highs
singing waters smell like pies
sureal waters flying high and make
all the little dreamers shake
around and around and up and down and
around and around wearing suits and gowns
they shake
around and around and up and down and
around and around wearing suits and gowns
they shake
around and around and up and down and
around and around wearing suits and gowns
may i have this dance?
Turn the key to open the tree
knots and holes fill their souls
with hedge mazes and head dazes
let's get lost with the
Little Dweamers
lets get stuck together
lets wander around together
lets get dazed together
lets spend days together
lets find a maze together
just me and you
and you and me
and me and you
and you and me
and me and you
and you and me
and me and me
and you and you
and me and you
and you and you
We'll dream more than all the little dreamers
we'll see more than all the little seers
we'll drink more than all the little beers
the open grasslands with the pink bubble skies will be ours as we cry
we're the cheerers, we're the seers, we're the beer's, the only dweamers
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sound Design
First Rothko song w/ Vocals
it's called "Holotypes"
since the lyrics are hard to understand (if anyone cares):
A north facing house,
passed on my way down.
Lighting your own fire.
Some careful brushing,
in the loam waiting.
I haven't an offer,
for your old gloves.
On the way,
when they dig up your bones and your so,
embarrassed for me.
Wearing your old gloves.
I buried my head,
in ivy turned red.
Climbing up the brick wall.
A north facing house,
better side of town.
I haven't an offer,
for your old gloves.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
1. Track I made with this dude I know overlooking the Hudson.. it needs to be EQ'd.. the main part is my guitar
2. Track I did to celebrate the first month of school. Also RAW and totally Jazzy.
send me your samples, I need a library for my sound design class, bitches.
Also.. I will be home Oct 16th, we are hanging out.
Monday, October 6, 2008
All Asia
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Guitar tracks
Leave me some feedback. Feel free to mess with the tracks in any way you want to, just let me know what you end up doing! 6 5 I like this one... changes 3min in... 4 some riff I came up with over the summer... 2 1
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I Overslept
It's called Iggy Above the Mirror
R.I.P. P.M.W. <3
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Other Blogs
Mr. Chris Grossman
Ms. Nivloc
Assorted madness
In other news, I am now in possesion of a Roland Edirol recorder.. its somewhat decent in terms of quality. Hoping to get some recording time down with that bad boy. Chris has been kind enough to keep me posted and knee deep in new material.
On my side I have been working on new ideas for songs. Mostly acoustic, classical almost.. yet still on my off days I bring back the sonic shit. I miss my amps. I miss my recording space and most of all I miss all y'all. muthafuckawsidoajwdiajwdiowjdoajYEAH!!
Also, if you have posting rights, PLEASe feel free to write something.. anything, I don't care. Even better if you could upload new music... Erik, Paul, Alto, I know you guys are always doing that, so goddamn get connected, put up those jams on mediafire, we need it, we want it, we neeeeed
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Back to skoo
As most of you know, many of us are off doing stupid college shit. Since I just moved in and am still getting myself settled, it might be a while before I can work on music to post.
This isn't the case for everyone, so please send mike or myself a message so we can set you guys up on this blog.
Just give us your e-mail account and we can send out invitations for posting privileges.
Hope to hear from ya all soon
Upcoming Show!
September, 14 2008 at All Asia Cafe
334 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Massachusetts 01239
Cost : Free
Polio Sunflower--Danielle Lessard---Neon Foxface----Ununi---Gaetana Brown---DJ Humiliation------I the Eye
Awesome line-up, alot of first time performances that are sure to be pretty fucking awesome. Free show, one drink minimum, please find your way into Cambridge.
Also happening is the Back to School Show @ Andrew Hall in the center of Lunenburg, MA on September 6th which will feature Milk3000.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Alto & Co. All Asia Show 2mrow! 8/31/08
August, 31 2008 at ALL ASIA CAFE
334 MASS AVE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
THERE IS A DAYCARE CENTER for all those bringing children see Paul Conant he is a professional and knows lots of great stories.
Friday, August 29, 2008
A Million Hands Records
This is the blog for all A Million Hands affiliated artists to post music and family recipes.