The assignment was to compose a piece entirely from samples of vegetables that we had recorded a few classes before. Since I just went to the Museum of Modern Art and listened to a piece by Steve Reich called Come Out, I figured I would try to make something similar. Thus this is aimed to capture a sense of paranoia, and it certainly drove me insane making it last night.
Features a sample of my professor commenting on smashing various foods.
Rotten Vegetables:

Also, great works are to come soon.
Hopefully see you all around Thanksgiving!
i listened to it again to see what happens. you have really good control over your professor's voice what program did you use to put this together? oh and super stoked on the update i've been waiting so long for someone to update! im pretty sure we all check this thing out at least 20 times a day
haha yeah i check a few too many times.
I used Reason to compose, audacity to pull clips and sound booth to clean up.
any idea when you'll be home?
Sorry, the file you requested is not available. i really hope mediafire doesn't ban my account!
damn.. so good
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