ever been stoned and craving a certain type of song but cant think of the right artist to play? well today that happened to me i was craving some minimal psychedelic rock and i didnt know who to turn to so I just decided to make what I wanted. This is what came out...
It's called Labrador
photo cred. rolf hicker...
very cool man i really dig the sampling at the end of the track, it gives it sum soul
The Labrador image above is a copyright protected images and used without permission.
If you do that you should at least give the photographer credit for and a link to his/her website.
The Labrador picture above is copyrighted by Rolf Hicker Photography.
Here you can find more of Rolf's Labrador pictures.
okay I thought the Rolf watermark in the picture would've been self explanatory but it won't happen again
Another sweet track, really been loving your latest work.. cant wait to collaborate.
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