A short album governed by a few of the more memorable scenes from Blade Runner
Heat Wave (Summer 2008)

Assorted tracks from the summer, all recorded around the time of Total Perfection's first show.
Ghost Poon (2008)
3 track split of the ghost poon
MACHINE (2008)
computer tracks, reason or whatever else was available
Early (2007)
demos I sent Justin while I was at school.. headphone mic = shittiest recording set up ever.
I have more tucked away on my machine that I'll have to dig out.
epic man I'll check all these out. good luck tomorrow! keep us updated in italy
God i love your blade runner track. What an awesome idea, playing music to visuals. If you hadn't told me that was the basis of the jam i would have just thought this was an intense track. I love the buildup
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